Meet Jonathan Dotson
Classical Guitarist Jonathan Dotson is the Director of Guitar at the St. Johns County Center for the Arts at St. Augustine High School. He is classically trained and performs at various venues around St. Augustine, Florida. This Q&A explores Jonathan’s life as an artist and his work in the community.
Where are you from?
I was born here in Saint Augustine, Florida. I’m very, very proud of my heritage here in St. Augustine.
How did you get started with classical guitar?
I was in a class, classical guitar Ensemble class. I took it because I played the guitar, and I wanted an easy A. It turns out that it was one of, if not the first, classical guitar program in a high school in the country. They’re all over the place now.
That really kind of lit a fire under me. I always really gravitated towards the guitar, and when it came time to choose what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, I wanted to go be a classical guitarist.
Jonathan Dotson playing Romanza at the Waterworks in St. Augustine, Florida. By Kathryn Hennessy.
Jonathan Dotson plays classical guitar for a crowd in St. Augustine, Florida. By Kathryn Hennessy.
What is your favorite genre of classical music to play?
I’ve always gravitated towards Spanish music. Partially because it’s a Spanish instrument and partially because I’m from St. Augustine, Florida. The five tours of Spain that I have done over the summers have really shaped my repertoire as well.
What advice do you have for people just starting to learn the guitar?
Don’t try to play fast. You don’t have to try to play fast. Speed comes from knowing how to do something, so you do something really well, and then eventually, you can do it really fast.
One other piece of advice that I got from a really great educator here at UNF named Rich Madison is to always play for someone you love even if they’re not there. Always play for someone you love. There’s always intent, there’s always emotion, there’s always passion.
How do your nails play a part in the music you create with the guitar?
I use acrylic nails. I’ve been using acrylic nails since 2000 or so, and there’s no going back. The nails of a classical guitarist are extremely important. That’s where all of your tone, your projection, and a lot of your emotional content come from. With nails that are well-shaped and polished, there are all these different sounds that you can get, which gives you so much more expressive possibilities with the instrument.
Dotson has an upcoming performance on Nov. 24th, 2024 at Third Space Improv. Click here to learn about this show.
For more information about Dotson, check out his website.
Jonathan performing at the Waterworks in St. Augustine, Florida. By Kathryn Hennessy.